Level Designer

Tales of the Shire


Tales of The Shire



Platform: PC, Console, Netflix
Genre: Cosy life simulator, third person
Studio: Weta Workshop Game Studio
Release: TBC
Tools: Unity
My role:
Game Designer
Game Team size: 40

(As the game is yet to be released, I can’t share full details on the work I’ve done so far for ToTS)

I joined the team around the end of alpha as a quest designer in the narrative pod, where my main role was owning gameplay integration with quests and implementing narrative content. With my experience in systems design and level design, around beta I was moved to the systems team where I focused on more generalist design and content implementation. At this time, I assisted with designing significant improvements to our cooking and shared meals systems. In lieu of a formal level design presence on the team, I also acted as the level design consultant on relevant tasks, which led me to become feature owner for navigation/birds, forageables and unlockable map areas. 

Throughout the course of development of ToTS, I’ve contributed to content implementation and balancing of a wide variety of features, including: 

  • Recipes

  • Forageables

  • Birds & navigation

  • Rewards

  • Unlocks (reward items, map locations)

  • Club missions

In parallel with my work on ToTS, I helped with new game pitches, including co-leading the development of a particular pitch in coordination with studio leadership and potential external stakeholders. While challenging, this was an excellent experience in the pre-production phase of game development.